I HATE running in the cold! It was 30 degrees this morning during my run and it was windy! My nose was running non-stop. I have learned to carry a tissue or two with me when it is cold. I would take running in the summer over running in cold weather any day of the week! My time was slower this morning than on my Tuesday run. I ran 4 miles in 41 min 36 sec. I am not sure why I ran slower, possibly the wind or the fact that I kept having to wipe my nose, but I felt like I was running better than my Tuesday run. Tuesdays run was 4 miles in 40 min 10 sec. I have one more run this week, on Saturday. I am going to try for 5 miles. I am hoping to go to a park to run and get a change of scenery. Since I have increased my mileage, there are only so many places to run in my neighborhood. It gets boring fast! I have recently switched up the days that I run. I used to run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but now I am running on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I like the new schedule much better because on Saturdays I can run at any time of the day, not in the dark. I can also go somewhere new to run. I am also trying to do more weight training along with my running, but I know once school starts, my free time is going to have to go to school work.
No matter how cold it was this morning, no matter how early or dark it was, I am so glad I got up and ran. I feel more energized on my running days and I can go through my day knowing that I accomplished something big this morning!
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